December 2010 February 2011

Book Reviews January 2011

The fortune at the bottom of the pyramid
C.K. Prahalad
Wharton School Publishing, 2010ISBN: 0137009275
The poorest people in the world have so little money that it seems no-one should see them as a source of profit. C.K. Prahalad argues otherwise. In The fortune at the bottom of the pyramid: eradicating poverty through profits he explains how the poor can be lifted out of poverty by being treated as customers rather than just as recipientsaid. Continued..
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The many worlds of Hugh Everett III
Peter Byrne
Oxford University Press, 2010ISBN: 9780199552276
The idea of parallel worlds has been around for a long time, but in the late 1950's one person suggested that there was some real science behind the idea - a suggestion which is now being taken more and more seriously. In The many worlds of Hugh Everett III : multiple universes, mutual assured destruction, and the meltdown of a nuclear family, Peter Byrne tells the story. Continued..
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The philosopher and the wolf Mark RowlandsGranta, 2008ISBN: 9781847080592
In the early 1990's Mark Rowlands bought a wolf cub and called him Brenin. In The philosopher and the wolf: lessons from the wild on love, death and happiness Rowlands tells the story of their lives and of what he, as a philosopher, learned from Brenin. Continued..
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Language change: progress or decay
Jean Aitchison
Cambridge University Press, 2008ISBN: 9780521795357
You will often hear complaints that new forms of language usage represent degeneration, reducing our ability to express ourselves accurately. But how much is language change to be feared? In Language change: progress or decay? Jean Aitchison shows that language change has always been happening, and is not the bugbear that many seem to think. Continued..
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Heidegger and a Hippo Walk Through Those Pearly Gates
Thomas Cathcart and Daniel Klein
Penguin, 2009ISBN: 9780670020836
You might not see the of philosophy of death as a particularly amusing subject, but Thomas Cathcart and Daniel Klein think otherwise. In Heidegger and a Hippo Walk Through Those Pearly Gates: Using Philosophy (and Jokes!) to Explore Life, Death, the Afterlife, and Everything in Between they look at what philosophers have said about various aspects of death, but instead of dry passages of text the book seems to consist mostly of jokes. Continued..
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December 2010 February 2011