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Brian Clegg
The Man who Stopped Time
Muybridge quickly progressed in his photographic career, but when his wife had a baby, he discovered that he wasn't the father - it was in fact a charmer called Harry Larkyns. Muybridge sought out Larkyns and shot him dead - which should have meant the death penalty for Muybridge, but somehow the jury took his side and he was freed.
Muybridge's luck continued - he was commissioned by the weathy Leland Stanford to photographically investigate the movement of horses. Muybridge's inventiveness meant that soon he was displaying this with his zoöpraxiscope - essentially the first movie projector.
I felt that the book was a bit unexciting at first, despite the murder. With Muybridge's career in a rapidly improving technology, not to mention the character of Harry Larkyns, I'm sure that there was opportunity for it to be spiced up a bit. But as I got into the book I found it became much more interesting, not only for those who want to know about the history of moving pictures, but also for the story of a man who never seemed to quite achieve the fame he deserved.